Crested Gecko

Correlophus ciliatus


Thought to be extinct but then rediscovered alive in 1994, the Crested Gecko is from New Caledonia, can live over 15 years and are a commitment!

Arboreal, VERTICAL setup 18x18x24 absolute MINIMUM, recommended is x x, I personally keep mine in a 18” x 18”x 48”  .

Glass with a mesh lid is ideal for maintaining the ideal humidity balance for cresties. All glass/converted fish tanks can struggle with air flow, all mesh allows too much humidity to escape.

CRESTED GECKOS ARE NOT TO BE COHABITATED. Many larger chain stores and/or online vendors may tell you that it is okay, or that same sexes are bad but opposite sex pairs are fine. THIS IS ALL FALSE. These places are trying to get you to buy more animals. Crested geckos are solitary animals, and even if there are peaceful periods they can turn at any time. Geckos can severely injure or kill each other and exotic vets are expensive. Please do not assume you know better or “Petsmart” was right. If you are looking for a species of gecko you can cohabitate, try mourning geckos!

72-78F is ideal for a crested gecko.

don’t let them overheat or be at temperatures above 80-82F for prolonged periods of time. 85-90F can be fatal.

rehydrated powdered diet, plus occasional bugs. Some cresties are picky as hell and won’t eat bugs, in which case there are mixes that contain some. Not fully necessary for their health. If feeding bugs dust with calcium.

We love and recommend pangea brand foods!

CRESTED GECKOS NEED UVB to live a healthy and long life. Without is they can develop MBD and have severe impairments for the rest of their lives. Linear bulbs are the only way to go for uvb! The plain bulbs do not have the range or power of a linear bulb. We recommend a ___________.

Don’t forget to change UVB every 6 months. Even if it isn’t “out” it isn’t emitting correctly anymore.

Vresties are Nocturnal, so no nighttime light is needed. "Nighttime" bulbs are a Money making scam and unnecessary for reptiles. A natural day/night cycle is recommended and colored bulbs could disrupt their vision. Don’t worry, your little bud can see just fine.



  • Don’t approach or grab your gecko from above, try to let them climb onto you



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